Washington: Smoked Salmon
Sandwich served: October 30, 2012
While doing my research for the Washington sandwich, I came across an article in The Spokesman-Review from 1987. Legislators from across the state proposed their own version of a smoked salmon sandwich. The winner was Representative Bill Grant, whose recipe we enjoyed the other night. The directions were pretty laid back (as I imagine most Washingtonians to be) no cooking involved, just the proper assembly.
Aside from what I gleaned watching Sleepless in Seattle, I don’t know much about Washington. I do, however, know that I would love to visit. My sister’s friend Jax joined us for the meal, and listening to her talk about all the kayaking, hiking, and other outdoor activities she missed made me want to look into flights immediately. (She also had great things to say about her new home, Chicago, but her love for her home state was apparent). Plus, I have a mild addiction to coffee, and I’m pretty sure they make some there.
I’d have to say it was one of the better Tuesday nights I’ve had: delicious cheese, new friends, a sandwich, and good conversation. As my dad said in an email this morning, “ain’t life grand?”
The making of sandwich #17: